Rape Horn

[I cried while editing this. It is getting much more difficult to do these, and I am realizing just how many things I have had, and lost. -ss]

Session Start (Sixsheep:Alice): Mon Jan 30 20:17:43 2006
Alice: wtf hello
Alice: sorry :-)
Sixsheep: ?
Alice: ok
Sixsheep: is yr aim bein nutty
Alice: i just dont want nayone else to aim me
Alice: i liked talkin on the phone but perhaps this will allow me to get some crap done
Sixsheep: I want to be called Six [Alice’s last name].
Alice: awww
Alice: really? my name is so eastern european though
Sixsheep: I have analyzed this thoroughly.
Sixsheep: I have come to the conclusion that “Six [Alice’s last name]” is the name of a bad mother fucker.
Sixsheep: Therefore, I want to be called that.
Alice: hehe no way
Sixsheep: I know I told you this once.
Alice: it sounds like you are my son
Alice: it makes me iggy
Sixsheep: Austin and I are going to make a website called “catspooping.com” that’s just about my cat pooping
Alice: why
Sixsheep: and use the money for charitable causes
Sixsheep: like paying your rent
Sixsheep: and my credit card debt
Alice: how about catpoop.com
Sixsheep: it’s taken
Alice: with what
Sixsheep: I dunno but “catpooponline.com” is available
Alice: how about poopycats.com
Sixsheep: also “catpoop.tv” which is pretty lol
Alice: i like poopycats.com!!!!
Alice: how about piggypoo.com
Sixsheep: taken
Alice: poopycats is taken!?
Alice: hey man get poopycats.com
Sixsheep: no man!!!
Alice: why :-(
Sixsheep: because what would I do with a domain named poopycats.
Sixsheep: dot com.
Alice: anything you want!!
Sixsheep: Ah Jeez
Alice: you can have your cat pooping
Alice: and you can have a blog
Alice: and a chatroom
Alice: the name rolls off your tongue
Alice: its better then catspooing.com!!!!!!!!!
Alice: ok ok im laughin too much and wasting time
Alice: i need to write a leter of recommendation
Alice: whats good about me
Sixsheep: determination, motivation, self-taught,
Alice: but i have nothing to show for my determin
Sixsheep: oh, I think you have a few things
Alice: i wanna grab a real bbqed burger and shake with you someday
Alice: like what
Alice: <H4>Tell a story</H4><UL><LI>Think in terms of showing or demonstrating through concrete experience. One of the worst things you can do is to bore the admissions committee. If your statement is fresh, lively, and different, you’ll be putting yourself ahead of the pack. If you distinguish yourself through your story, you will make yourself memorable.</LI><H4>Be specific</H4><UL><LI>Don’t, for example, state that you would make an excellent doctor unless you can back it up with specific reasons. Your desire to become a lawyer, engineer, or whatever should be logical, the result of specific experience that is described in your statement. Your application should emerge as the logical conclusion to your story.</LI><H4>Find an angle</H4><UL><LI>If you’re like most people, your life story lacks drama, so figuring out a way to make it interesting becomes the big challenge. Finding an angle or a “hook” is vital.</LI><H4>Concentrate on your opening paragraph</H4><UL><LI>The lead or opening paragraph is generally the most important. It is here that you grab the reader’s attention or lose it. This paragraph becomes the framework for the rest of the statement.</LI><H4>Tell what you know</H4><UL><LI>The middle section of your essay might detail your interest and experience in your particular field, as well as some of your knowledge of the field. Too many people graduate with little or no knowledge of the nuts and bolts of the profession or field they hope to enter. Be as specific as you can in relating what you know about the field and use the language professionals use in conveying this information. Refer to experiences (work, research, etc.), classes, conversations with people in the field, books you’ve read, seminars you’ve attended, or any other source of specific information about the career you want and why you’re suited to it. Since you will have to select what you include in your statement, the choices you make are often an indication of your judgment.</LI>
Sixsheep: whoa what’s that
Alice: tips on how to write PERSONAL essay
Alice: and its also a love letter <3
Sixsheep: You have certainly not had that boring a life
Sixsheep: I think your struggle is really one that is about beliving in yourself, and finding something in the world that is like you.
Alice: hm
Sixsheep: you need a rape horn
Alice: dont touch my rape horn!
Alice: annnyway
Sixsheep: BLLAAAAAAAAAAAPP “what was that” “that, is my rape horn”
Sixsheep: what episode is that
Sixsheep: I have to see that again
Alice: the rape horn episode
Alice: i dunno
Sixsheep: I’ll ask Dr. Google
Alice: it was on that fuckin broken harddrive of mine . . .
Sixsheep: don’t you sweat that hard drive ok.
Alice: okay
Sixsheep: at work we have a fuckin room full of dudes with spacesuits on that just repair HD’s all day
Alice: :-)
Alice: i am lucky
Sixsheep: we just put them in an envelope and then like 7 days later they are like HERE NOW DONT DO IT AGAIN and it’s like, a different, equally shitty hard drive, with all your shit on it.
Sixsheep: I dunno how they do it. but they do it.
Alice: hmm
Alice: sweet
Sixsheep: I actually know what I am going to do with it.
Sixsheep: I know what to do with it.
Sixsheep: Alice what is impressive about you is your character.
Sixsheep: I know, so many people, that were in new york, at eastman
Sixsheep: with about 1/10th of the talent you have,
Sixsheep: boring people,
Sixsheep: that once you got them away from their violin or piano couldn’t talk about anything,
Sixsheep: couldn’t say anything about politics or philosophers or anything,
Sixsheep: you have so much more than they do.
Sixsheep: you are a very broad person.
Sixsheep: and your take on the world is very precise and you are very, very good at detailing it to people.
Alice: i know but im thinking thats exactly what they dont want
Sixsheep: you don’t know what they want.
Alice: this is whats so upsetting
Sixsheep: you can make a guess about what they want, but you don’t know, for certain.
Alice: my whole life i have tried to be well-rounded and i have tried to educate myself on everything i felt was worth knowing, and now i realize that doesnt mean anything to anyone
Alice: they want people to specialize
Sixsheep: yeah, capitalism, is like that.
Alice: they dont mind that people are empty-headed outside of their field
Alice: i know talented people are like that
Alice: i cant believe i am mmore talented then people like that, because the reason they are so boring is that they only focus on their work
Alice: its a strange thing to come up against
Sixsheep: yes, in that way they are like vice-presidents at an insurance company.
Sixsheep: they just “work”. they never question why.
Sixsheep: you actually go read about things
Sixsheep: Not to interrupt but can you do something for me? do you have a tape measure?
Sixsheep: I need you to measure the distance, when you are standing at ease with your hands at your sides, measure the distance from your fingertips to the floor.
Alice: ok
Alice: 22 inches
Sixsheep: danke
Sixsheep: wow okay that’s a little more than I thought. maybe you should have a 50 cm axe
Sixsheep: I have to get you an ice axe
Alice: u callin me fat
Sixsheep: no I’m callin you tall
Alice: an ice axe, like gimli?
Sixsheep: not quite the same, no. but similar.
Sixsheep: it’s for when you fall. and also making footholes. but there will probably be other people’s foot holes.
Sixsheep: I have to go to the mountain this weekend and practice these things.
Sixsheep: like self-arrest.
Alice: i will stab their foot holes
Sixsheep: whatever trips your trigger hon
Alice: i willl stab yours too
Sixsheep: u booger
Alice: hehe
Sixsheep: I will poop in your foothole
Alice: ew you almost made me choak on my twizzler
Sixsheep: if you have to poop on the mountain you have to poop in a little bag!!
Alice: choke
Sixsheep: and then CARRY your poop down with you!!!
Alice: i aint doin it
Sixsheep: BAG OF POOP
Sixsheep: YOU’RE DOIN IT
Alice: thats different
Sixsheep: lol
Alice: ive pooped in sacks before actually :-)
Sixsheep: wh
Alice: when my toilet was backed up i would putsafeway sacks in there and poop
Sixsheep: oh,
Sixsheep: my,
Sixsheep: god.
Alice: then i would tie them up and take them to the dumpster at midnight
Sixsheep: that is outlandish.
Alice: hahaha
Sixsheep: lol that’s what I say at work when something is just extremely fucked up
Alice: i put the sacks in the toilet and i would hear the paper crinkle when i pooed in it
Sixsheep: oh MAN
Sixsheep: what in the name of
Sixsheep: lordy lordy.
Alice: i know!
Sixsheep: you are a pretty dirty critter sometimes.
Sixsheep: but, I love you.
Alice: hehe
Alice: what would you have done!
Alice: pooed in the toilet and left it there for a week!
Sixsheep: like any, normal, person, would do.
Alice: it takes too long
Sixsheep: Ah Jeez
Alice: no i dont go to other places to poo
Alice: i had to resist the urge to fling the poo sack out my winda
Sixsheep: I used to have to go sixteen blocks to poop all the time man.
Alice: oh your a big puss
Alice: you cant even poo in a sack
Sixsheep: lol I am laffin so bad I need food or somethin or a coke
Alice: okay :-)
Sixsheep: I need to work out and also brush my teeth
Sixsheep: my bref stank
Alice: okok
Alice: i need to work’
Sixsheep: look if you need inspiration or ideas
Sixsheep: just type here in this box
Alice: ok
Sixsheep: and then when I am not cleanin I will anwer
Alice: ok :-)
Alice: that sound nice
Session Close (Alice): Mon Jan 30 21:32:24 2006

~ by sixsheep on September 25, 2007.

One Response to “Rape Horn

  1. […] do you have … Sixsheep: if you have to poop on the mountain you have to poop in a little bag! …https://sixsheep.wordpress.com/2007/09/25/rape-horn/ThePoop.comIf you are requesting to participate in a Special-Topics Conference, please … you won’t […]

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